Agenda item

The Chair reminded Council that under Paragraph 14.6 of the Council Procedure Rules a recorded vote was required for each of the budget and council tax items.


Councillor R Bell, Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Finance Moved a Motion without Notice that Agenda Item Nos. 9 and 10 be considered together as they were inextricably linked.  The Motion was Seconded by Councillor A Shield.


The Head of Legal and Democratic Services advised Council that the Council Procedure Rules allowed for such a Motion and that it was appropriate to consider both items together, reminding Members that such arrangements had been made in previous years.  Considering the two items together impacted on the length of time Members could speak.  The proposer and seconder of the Motion and Group Leaders would have 10 minutes.  Councillor R Bell, although a Group Leader, would be seconding the budget in his capacity as Deputy Leader and therefore could speak for 6 minutes.  Councillor R Crute as Deputy Leader of the Labour Group and Shadow Portfolio Holder for Finance would respond to the budget and the Chair had agreed that he could speak for 10 minutes with Councillor C Marshall having 3 minutes.  All other speakers had 3 minutes and the Leader had a 6 minute right of reply at the end of the debate.