Agenda item

Matters Arising


Canon L Burton referred to the Chairs Comments and indicated that she had not received a copy of the local census data or the presentation.


K Passmore responded that she had sent a copy of the presentation to the Chair (P Welch) but would send the information to the Clerk for circulation to Members.


In response to a question from S Walker on the Humanist representative becoming a full voting Member, the Clerk advised that a report on the adoption of the changes to the Constitution to allow the Humanist representative to become a full voting Member, would be brought to the next SACRE meeting.


Canon L Burton asked if Community Cohesion was to be a standard item on the agenda.


The Chair responded that Community Cohesion had been requested to be a standard agenda item but was not part of the agenda today and suggested if Members wished this could be considered under ‘Any Other Business’, but he was not aware of any topics for consideration.