The Committee received a report of the Corporate Director of Resources which provided details of the forecast outturn budget position for the Adult and Health Services (AHS) service grouping, highlighting major variances in comparison with the budget for the year, based on the position to the end of December 2022(for copy of report and presentation see file of minutes).
Delivering the presentation, Principal Accountant, Joanne Wilson, highlighted the forecast outturn position of £146,663 million compared to the revised annual budget of £137,989 million. A cash limit underspend of £1.608 million was reported, equating to 1.17% of the net budget and the Committee was provided with key reasons for budget variances. The Committee noted the capital budget for 2022/23 was £100,000 and as at 31 December 2022, capital expenditure of £19,000 had been incurred, with the majority of expenditure due to take place in the final three months of the financial year.
In response to a question from Councillor Stubbs referring to the adult care projected under budget of £2.3 million and the net under budget on employee related costs of £2.1 million, through the level of staff turnover being above budget, the Principal Accountant clarified the main area of overspend related to bad-debt provision and she added that steps were being taken to address the high level of staff turnover.
That the content of the report be noted.
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