Agenda item

4/11/00823/FPA - Former Ushaw Moor County Infants School, Temperance Terrace, Ushaw Moor, Durham, DH7 7PQ

Erection of 29 No. Dwellinghouses, Formation of Access and Associated Works.


Erection of 29 No.Dwellinghouses, Formation of Access and Associated Works


Consideration was given to the report of the Principal Planning Officer (Durham Area) which recommended approval of the application.


The Principal Planning Officer gave a detailed presentation on the main issues outlined in the report which included photographs of the site. Members had visited the site that day and were familiar with the location and setting.


Councillor J Wilkinson, local Member addressed the Committee in support of the application. He welcomed the proposal to re-use previously developed land which had become an eyesore in Ushaw Moor following demolition of the school.  The development would provide home ownership opportunities for families on relatively low incomes. The design of the properties would assimilate into the surrounding area and it was pleasing to note that the old Victorian wall was to be retained. The site was next to a main bus route into Durham City and was close to local facilities. The proposals would contribute towards the regeneration of Ushaw Moor.


Mr E Alder, the applicant stated that Gleeson Homes specialised in the regeneration of former colliery areas and their aim was to create sustainable communities. In response to a comment from a Member he confirmed that improvement works would be carried out to the wall and railings. The developers employed local people where possible and offered apprenticeships. They had worked closely with the Local Planning Authority in drafting the scheme and thanked Planning Officers for their professionalism. 


In discussing the application reference was made to the separation distances between the northernmost properties on the site and those on Temperance Terrace. The Principal Planning Officer acknowledged that the separation distances were less than 21m as recommended in Policy Q8 of the Local Plan, however the area predominantly consisted of terraced houses which were densely arranged and closely positioned from one another. The separation distance between some of the existing properties was significantly less than between the proposed new dwellings and Temperance Terrace.       




That the application be approved subject to the conditions outlined in the report and to the applicant entering into a Section 106 Legal Agreement to secure the following:-


(i)                 the payment of a commuted sum for the provision or improvement of    amenity space/play space equipment of £29,000;

(ii)               the payment of a commuted sum towards the provision of public art works of £8,551.

Supporting documents: