Agenda item



The minutes of the meeting held on 28 April 2023 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chair.


The following matters arising were reported:


The Chair presented a picture she had been given by a young person to the Deputy Corporate Director, Children and Young People’s Services for display in his office.  He was extremely pleased and explained it would be proudly displayed for all those visiting to see.


     The Chair noted that in respect of the Entry into Care Packs, the original amount being sought was £7,600.  She explained that Members had provided contributions from their budgets and approx. £18,500 had been raised.  It was suggested that a letter of thanks from the CICC be e-mailed to Councillors in respect of their kind donations.  The Senior Partnerships Officer noted that Luke had referred to packs for those exiting care and suggested that any surplus could be used for those packs.  The Panel agreed.  The Chair asked if Luke could provide an update for the Panel in July, Luke agreed.


Councillor T Henderson entered the meeting at 9.40am


Supporting documents: