Agenda item

Any Other Business


The Head of Children’s Social Care informed the Panel of the ‘Mind of My Own’ award received by the Participation and Engagement Officer and noted it was for all the children and young people in the county.


The Deputy Corporate Director, Children and Young People’s Servicesnoted the language updates and asked if the Panel felt it was important to keep the topic on the agenda for the Panel and that it may be useful to have input from partners, such as the health service, Police and the Virtual School and their use of language in their interactions with young people. 


Members agreed to this approach and the following themes were suggested to come to future meetings:

·        Health

·        Police

·        SEND

·        Language used by social workers in their reports e.g. reports to prospective foster cares and adopters 


The Practice Lead, Children and Young People suggested that the Care Experience Group could ‘audit’ and provide feedback on language.  Luke noted he would ask the group. 


Councillor C Varty shared her personal adoption experience and underlined the importance to support foster carers for all the hard work that they do for our young people, and prospective adopters.


Councillor B Kellett left the meeting at 11.04am