In response to a request from Councillor Simmons for more information on the number of children in our care who were missing school on a regular basis, the Head of the Virtual School informed the Panel that from September 2023 to Easter 2024, the overall attendance for children looked after in Durham was 90%.
Prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, attendance was approximately 97.2% and the aim was to return to the pre-Covid-19 attendance levels. An Educational Welfare Officer was now in post, with responsibility for young people with a social worker and children looked after.
During the September to Easter terms, 52 children had attendance which had fallen below 50%,103 of the 780 statutory school age children had 100% attendance over the two terms and 300 children had attendance between 95% and 99%. The attendance target was 96% and children whose attendance fell below 95% were supported to achieve attendance targets, with the help of their schools and carers.
The Head of the Virtual School clarified that 18 young people were not attending school as they were not on a school roll, 12 of whom were unaccompanied asylum seeking young people. Some young people with an Education Health and Care Plan were awaiting an identified special school placement.
The Head of the Virtual School highlighted that analysis of the data indicated positive attendance from reception to year 8 however attendance dipped from year 9. This was to be the subject of deeper analysis to identify the underlying reasons. A further cause for concern was that 52 children had been removed from school for holidays and all Head Teachers had been requested to identify such absences as unauthorised absences.
The Chair thanked the Head of the Virtual School for the information which would be fedback to Councillor Simmons.