Agenda item

Leader's Report


Councillor A Hopgood, Leader of the Council reported that since Council last met, an order had been laid in parliament to effect the creation of the new North East Mayoral Combined Authority.


This was an important milestone in the Council’s devolution journey, paving the way for the election of a Mayor on 2 May 2024.


The devolution of powers and funds from Whitehall was a historic moment for the North East. It was something that had been talked about for many years and finally the region was on the cusp of making decisions closer to home.


The devolution deal would allow the delivery of economic growth across County Durham and the wider North East and would give the region and the county a stronger voice both nationally and internationally.


The Leader of the Council informed the Council that she held the interim portfolio for culture, creativity, tourism and sport on the new combined authority and she was both proud and excited about the opportunities this presented.


The North East was truly unique. From major events recognised nationally and internationally such as Lumiere and the Great North Run, to breathtaking landscapes, fascinating heritage sites and award-winning attractions, not to mention international cricket and Premier League football. The region had so much to offer and so much potential.


The focus was on celebrating and promoting the North East to the world, while opening up new opportunities for the people who lived and worked in the area.


The Leader thanked everyone across County Durham and the North East who had helped this important milestone to be reached.