Retrospective consent for change of use from agricultural to a mixed use comprising of agricultural and equestrian for commercial purposes, erection of menage and flood lighting and infill extension between existing and proposed building.
The Committee considered a report of the Senior Planning Officer regarding retrospective consent for change of use from agricultural to a mixed use comprising of agricultural and equestrian for commercial purposes, erection of menage and flood lighting and infill extension between existing and proposed building.
G Heron, Senior Planning Officer provided a detailed presentation of the application which included a site location plan, aerial photographs, photographs of the site and proposed plan.
Councillor L Brown asked whether there were any floodlights on site as menages usually included floodlights. The Senior Planning Officer advised that eight floodlights were included around the menage. She further advised that there was a condition within the report to ensure that no lighting would be turned on when the menage was not in use.
Councillor Marshall moved the application to be approved in line with the officer’s recommendation, this was seconded by Councillor Jopling.
That the application be APPROVED subject to the conditions listed in the report.
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