Agenda item

Proud Moments - Verbal Update from the Strategic Manager


The Service Manager for Children and Young People spoke of her pride in the progress of a teenager who was new to care.  The young person had engaged well with staff and experts to receive help and during a recent Ofsted visit, the young person spoke to inspectors about how much they valued the care they received.


Members were delighted to receive a progress update on Caitlyn who is now in the first year of a social work degree and achieved 75% in her first assignments, which is equivalent to a first class degree.


The Mockingbird fostering hub recently supported a young person when their main carer was admitted to hospital. The young person, who has learning difficulties, had settled well in the care of another foster carer in the hub and had benefited from the familiarity which had helped to maintain routines.


It was reported that the Director of the Fostering Network in Scotland had visited Durham to gather information on Durham’s Mockingbird model, with a view to replicating the model.


The Chair announced that Laura Caunce, Service Manager, was leaving the Authority and the Panel placed on record their thanks to Laura for being instrumental in the transformation of children’s homes and they wished her well for the future.