Agenda item

DM/23/00171/MIN - Windy Hill Quarry, Eggleston, Barnard Castle, DL12 0DW


The Committee considered a report of the Principal Planning Officer regarding an application for the Proposed lateral extension to the east of Windy Hill Quarry (1.36 hectares) for the winning and working of sandstone and progressive restoration of the site at Windy Hill Quarry, Eggleston, Barnard Castle (for copy see file of minutes).


C Teasdale, Principal Planning Officer gave a detailed presentation which included a site location plan, aerial photographs, site photographs including the site access and proposed phasing plans.


Ms K Wood, addressed the Committee and gave some detailed background information about the business.  She confirmed that the application proposed a small extension to the existing quarry which would allow the operator to continue to provide sandstone and sustain the family business.  The operation would remain the same and screening would be extended.  There were few residential properties in the area and no complaints had been received.


The business had been assessed by the Council and received a high grade mark for the previous two years.  In summary this was a small extension to the site with negligible impact and it would allow the operator to continue supplying local products.


Councillor Martin advised that he was aware of the area through regular walks in the area and the only perceived harm was that on the landscape, however it was well screened.  The County Durham Plan gave weight for the extraction of minerals and he could see no reason to object and moved the recommendation for approval.


Councillor Boyes queried whether there would be any increase in the road cleaning processes noting that he was aware from quarries in his area that roads could often get messy.  The Principal Planning Officer advised that this was a seasonal quarry which tended to be operated by two men and work was carried out in dry weather.  The extension would be conditioned to ensure that vehicles were thoroughly cleansed.  She noted that this was a smaller scale site than those he would be aware of.


Councillor Wilson did not consider there would be significant harm to overturn the recommendation and therefore seconded the motion to approve the application.




That the application be APPROVED subject to the conditions outlined in the report and completion of an agreement under Section 39 of The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 to secure biodiversity management to achieve the agreed Biodiversity Net Gain.

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