Agenda item

Corporate Asset Management Plan 2023-2025


The Cabinet considered a report of the Corporate Director of Regeneration, Economy and Growth which presentedthe Corporate Asset Management Plan 2023-2025, setting out how the property portfolio will support the Council’s corporate priorities and objectives and the direction for the ongoing management of the portfolio over the next two years (for copy of report see file of minutes).


Councillor J Rowlandson, Portfolio Holder for Resources, Investment and Assets explained that the strategic management of property was paramount and needed to be encapsulated by good governance. The Corporate Asset Management Plan set out the context and ambition for the next two years on how the Council could do things more efficiently and bring benefits to the whole authority. Councillor Rowlandson expressed his appreciation of the work carried out by Susan Robinson and Anna Wills in the development of the plan, which along with Council tax assets were the backbone of the council. The Joint Administration were ensuring that they were rectifying the failings of the previous Labour administration.


Councillor R Bell, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Finance added this thanks to the teams responsible for producing the plan and in doing so ensuring the best use of the Council’s assets through an effective Corporate Asset Management Plan which was key to the Medium-Term Financial Planning Process in terms of maximising income from assets and supporting communities through agile management of assets.


Councillor M Wilkes thanked the Cabinet Portfolio Holder and Officers for their hard work in addressing this important issue. Councillor Wilkes pointed out that it had taken over two years to correct previous failures by the former Labour administration who had cut back investment of assets team to the point where it had difficulty in functioning. Councillor Wilkes referred to the sale of a former school in East Durham which was sold for £1 by the previous administration and explained that it should serve as a reminder to residents of County Durham in future elections. Councillor Wilkes supported the plan and would look to see progress on issues that had blighted communities such as run-down council owned properties.



That the recommendations be approved.

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