Agenda item

Motions on Notice

Councillor K Shaw to Move


This council calls on the Cabinet to consider an immediate halt to all activity on the former DLI Museum site, for the current development proposal to be cancelled and replaced with a memorial garden and a space for reflection and remembrance.



The Chair informed Council that there was one Motion for consideration.


Moved by Councillor K Shaw, Seconded by Councillor A Batey


This council calls on the Cabinet to consider an immediate halt to all activity on the former DLI Museum site, for the current development proposal to be cancelled and replaced with a memorial garden and a space for reflection and remembrance.


Councillors E Scott, R Bell, K Robson, A Savory, L Brown, P Heaviside, R Potts, P Molloy, J Quinn, D Sutton-Lloyd, M Wilkes, J Elmer, T Stubbs, A Hopgood, M McGaun and J Rowlandson spoke against the Motion.


Councillors J Scurfield, D McKenna, A Surtees, F Tinsley, L Fenwick, B Kellett, M McKeon, C Kay, O Gunn spoke in support of the Motion.


Councillor P Sexton considered that the DLI situation had been poorly communicated and that the issue should not be a party political matter.


The Chair informed Council that there was 15 minutes left for the consideration of Motions and ten Councillors were registered to speak.  Councillor A Hopgood Moved a Motion without notice that the time for Motions be extended but that the length of the meeting not be extended beyond 2½ hours.  Seconded by Councillor E Scott and Agreed by Council.


A named vote on the Motion was taken.


For the Motion

Councillors E Adam, R Adcock-Forster, V Andrews, P Atkinson, A Batey, K Batey, C Bihari, G Binney, D Boyes, J Chaplow, I Cochrane, R Crute, S Deinali, K Earley, L Fenwick, C Fletcher, J Griffiths, O Gunn, D Hall, C Hampson, A Hanson, S Henig, J Higgins, L Hovvels, M Johnson, C Kay, B Kellett, R Manchester, C Marshall, D McKenna, M McKeon, I McLean, S McMahon, J Miller, D Mulholland, P Pringle, J Purvis, S Quinn, J Scurfield, K Shaw, G Smith, T Smith, A Surtees, P Taylor, F Tinsley, S Townsend, C Varty, E Waldock, J Watson, M Wilson, S Wilson, D Wood and R Yorke


Against the Motion

Councillors M Abley, R Bell, C Bell, J Blakey, D Brown, L Brown, J Charlton, J Cosslett, B Coult, M Currah, T Duffy, J Elmer, D Freeman, D Haney, K Hawley, P Heaviside, T Henderson, L Holmes, C Hood, A Hopgood, D Howarth, J Howey, G Hutchinson, A Jackson, N Jones, P Jopling, C Lines, C Martin, E Mavin, L Mavin, S McDonnell, M McGaun, P Molloy, J Nicholson, D Oliver, R Ormerod, E Peeke, R Potts, J Quinn, A Reed, G Richardson, S Robinson, K Robson, K Rooney, J Rowlandson, A Savory, E Scott, A Shield, J Shuttleworth, M Simmons, A Simpson, M Stead, W Stelling, A Sterling, D Stoker, T Stubbs, D Sutton-Lloyd, M Walton, A Watson and M Wilkes.



Councillor P Sexton


The Motion was Lost.