Agenda item

Questions from Members


Councillor P Sexton asked the following question:


At the January 2024 Full Council, a motion to reconsider the withdrawal of Free After 2pm parking, was unanimously passed.


Could the Cabinet and Portfolio Holder, please provide Full Council with an update on any decision? 


Councillor E Scott, Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Economy and Partnerships thanked Councillor Sexton for his question and provided the following response:


At Full Council on Wednesday 14 January 2024, Cabinet accepted a motion, which was approved after a vote, to reconsider the decision to end Free Parking After 2pm and that process is currently ongoing and will be reconsidered by Cabinet as previously committed.


Councillor Sexton asked a supplementary question in relation to the timeframe for reconsideration issue.


Councillor Scott commented that the issue had financial implications, therefore it had to go through a process of scrutiny. Unfortunately, on that basis any decision would be a matter of months and not weeks.