Agenda item

Safe Durham Partnership ASB Strategic Group Update - Report of the Corporate Director of Neighbourhoods and Climate Change


The Committee received a report of the Corporate Director of Neighbourhoods and Climate Change that provided an update on the ongoing work of the ASB Strategic Group (for copy see file of Minutes).


The Head of Community Protection reported that the final Anti-social Behaviour Strategy had been published on the Safe Durham partnership website and thanked the committee's contribution to its development. The ASB group were currently developing an action plan to support implementation of this strategy and outlining key priorities for the year ahead. This would be subject to a further report to the SSCOSC as part of the 2023/24 work programme.


Members were also advised of the work being undertaken to develop ASB dashboards which would enable the council and partners to plot ASB incidents within areas and assist in identifying emerging local priorities, hotspot areas and inform associated action planning.


The Head of Community Protection reported an ongoing review of the future provision of mediation services which are available to deal with lower-level neighbourhood disputes, community or familial conflict as a tool for early intervention and an approach to enforcement. A consultation process with partner organisations had been undertaken and early feedback had indicated a desire for a further period of monitoring for six months to understand the demands for mediation services and allow time to consider how these could be provided across the partnership. Progress on this initiative would continue to be reported to the committee.


The Head of Community Protection referenced the Government’s recently announced anti-social behaviour action plan launched on 27th March 2023 and reported earlier in the meeting. She indicated that the detail of the plan was being examined by the Safe Durham Partnership and a response to the government consultation was being prepared. This would be circulated to the committee once signed off.


The Chair of the Committee referred to the considerable amount of work that members had undertaken in developing the SDP ASB strategy and reiterated the importance of having a single point of contact for reporting incidents of ASB. The  Head of Community Protection reminded members that there were existing confidential reporting lines for the public to report ASB but acknowledged that more work was needed to raise public confidence in these processes. Members questioned whether more powers could be given to community wardens and other council staff to address ASB. Reference was made to a trial responders pilot in Weardale involving “blue light” services which may be extended to involve frontline local authority staff although this would need to be considered carefully.


At the conclusion of the presentation members suggested that further information on the community trigger mechanism for reporting ASB and how associated complaints were escalated would be useful for the Committee.



That the report be noted.


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