Agenda item

DM/22/01553/FPA - 2 Sudburn Avenue, Staindrop, Darlington, DL2 3JX

Proposed driveway, dropped kerb, change of use of open space to allow parking and hard stand on front garden with gates


The Principal Planning Officer, Steven Pilkington gave a detailed presentation on the report relating to the abovementioned planning application, a copy of which had been circulated (for copy see file of minutes).  Members noted that the written report was supplemented by a visual presentation which included photographs of the site.  The Principal Planning Officer advised that Members of the Committee had visited the site and were familiar with the location and setting.  The application was for a proposed driveway, dropped kerb, change of use of open space to allow parking and hard stand on front garden with gates and was recommended for approval, subject to the conditions as set out in the report.


The Chair thanked the Principal Planning Officer and asked Parish Councillor Ian Royston, representing Staindrop Parish Council to speak in relation to the application.


Parish Councillor I Royston explained that Staindrop Parish Council objected to this application, however, added that to be clear it did not object to the proposed driveway per se, but to the appropriation of that land for parking and the precedent that sets.


Parish Councillor I Royston noted that seventy years ago, when the Sudburn Avenue and Coronation Gardens development was built, it was designed to provide a pleasant approach into the village, where dwellings were set off the highway separated by an area of open space.  He added that, in short, the developers of the time made a valiant attempt to make local authority housing to fit within the aesthetic of the traditional village with its wide greens and open spaces.  He noted that though over the years cars have become more commonplace, however, the visual amenity of the area had not been significantly diminished as, in the case of very many properties, parts of the front gardens had been converted into driveways and indeed, under the previous application, DM/22/00616/FPA - Formation of parking area to front of property, the greater part of the front garden had been given over to a block paved parking area. 

He added that Members would note that this previous development already provided sufficient space for three vehicles within the curtilage of the property.


Parish Councillor I Royston noted the current application sought to appropriate a further portion of open space to provide yet another parking place which would directly diminish the visual amenity of the area.


He added that Councillors would also note that the site lies between public footpaths which formed part of the adopted highway and that being the case, it was not permitted under current guidance to use that proposed parking place for the recharging of an electric vehicle as that would necessarily involve trailing cables across the public footpath.  He noted that providing a parking place for a diesel or petrol-engined vehicle, which will be banned in less than seven years, appeared contrary to both National and Local Plan Policies in terms of reducing greenhouse gas emissions.


Parish Councillor I Royston concluded by noting that it was clear therefore that the development did not retain the settlement’s valued facilities in the way of open space, did not contribute positively to the area’s character, and was at best of limited utility.


The Chair thanked Parish Councillor I Royston and asked the Committee for their comments and questions.


Councillor A Savory noted she had attended the site visit and noted the applicant had gone through the right channels and she would move approval.  Councillors V Andrews and S Quinn noted as regards he issues of cars parked and asked as regards for clarification.  The Principal Planning Officer noted that the permission was for access, permission to park and hardstanding.  Councillor J Atkinson seconded the motion for approval.


Councillor M Stead noted looking at the map it suggested that a wall had been built around a caravan to the right.  The Principal Planning Officer noted that the construction was historic, in excess of 10 years and if a car was parked the authority could not take action.  Councillor M Stead noted he would be minded to approve the application.


The Chair noted that Councillor A Savory had moved approval, that she was had been seconded by Councillor J Atkinson and upon a vote being taken it was:




That the application be APPROVED, subject to the conditions as set out within the report.


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