The Committee considered a joint report of the Corporate Director of Resources and Corporate Director Regeneration, Economy and Growth which provided details of the forecast outturn position for quarter three revenue and capital for Regeneration, Economy and Growth (REG) as at 31 December 2022 (for copy see file of Minutes).
Councillor J Miller made reference to page 45 of the pack, paragraph 18 where it was stated that the overspend in Planning and Housing was largely due to anticipated additional expenditure of £0.79m in Housing Solutions with regard to temporary accommodation in the form of B&B and holiday lets. He continued that the county had a lot of empty properties which could be brought back into use and suggested that Durham County Council compulsory purchase these properties, undertake the necessary works and then rent them out to residents who would otherwise be accommodated in B&B and holiday rents. This would produce a rental income for the authority.
The Finance Manager commented that he would take this comment/suggestion back to the service and confirmed that the service was currently looking at buying accommodation in areas where there was highest need in the county.
Councillor C Marshall referred to the capital programme and asked for details of the inflationary pressures. He also asked for more detail in relation to the legal costs and professional fees totalling £0.775m in respect of Milburngate. He asked for clarification as to whether the legal costs had resulted because Durham County Council had tried to sue the developer.
The Finance Manager referred to the capital programme and inflationary pressures and indicated that he would get a response to this from the Head of Corporate Finance and Commercial Services. He would also discuss with Legal Services and provide a response in respect of Milburngate.
Councillor K Robson made reference to his local leisure centre run by the Parish Council and commented that they were claiming back VAT and that they expected to receive a substantial sum of £200,000. He continued by asking whether Durham County Council was pursuing any such claims.
The Finance Manager confirmed the Durham County Council was pursuing such a claim and that the authority was expecting good news in relation to the claim. He confirmed that once he received the information regarding Durham County Council’s claim, he would provide a response for circulation to members of the committee.
That the contents of the report be noted.
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