Agenda item

Minutes of the meetings held 13 February 2011 and 27 February 2011


The Minutes of the meeting held on 13 February 2012 were agreed by the Committee as a correct record and signed by the Chair.  The Minutes of the meeting held 27 February 2012 were agreed by the Committee as a correct record and signed by the Chair, subject to an amendment for accuracy, put forward by Councillor M Wilkes, to the second paragraph on page 19 of the agenda pack so that it would read:


“Councillor M Wilkes added that at a budget meeting it was explained to Members that the Authority received around £1.3 Million in respect of the New Homes Bonus and that this was fed into the General Fund rather than ringfenced to Housing.  Whilst recognising the financial position of the Council, Councillor M Wilkes added that he felt the Committee should recommend that the New Homes Bonus be ringfenced to Housing”.


Councillor J Armstrong added that any potential recommendation by Members on the subject would be discussed at future meetings of the Committee, or any Working Group set up by the Committee looking at those issues, and Members agreed the amendment to the Minutes as suggested.

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