Agenda item

Mayor's Acceptance Speech


The Mayor welcomed everyone and conveyed that she was honoured and privileged and would do her upmost to perform her duties as Mayor of Durham. She indicated that her chosen charity was St. Cuthbert’s Hospice and provided details of the charity, in particular that they only received 35% of the required funding from the NHS and the remainder was through fund raising.


She welcomed representatives from the Hospice who were here today and thanked fellow Trustees and Councillors L Brown and J Blakey for her nomination.


She continued by thanking Councillor D Freeman for his support over the last year and a special thank you to staff at the Town Hall, the Mayor’s Bodyguard and the Mayor’s Secretary.


She indicated that the Mayor’s Rosette for 2023/24 would be Green and Red which were the colours of St. Cuthbert’s Hospice and the colours of her primary school.


She expressed her appreciation to friends and family and her husband who had been her rock for the last 35 years.