Agenda item

Appointment of the following Officers:

·       Pant Master



·       Billet Master

          (Superintendent Catherine Clarke, Durham Constabulary)


·       Macebearer

          (Mr David Baker)


·       Swordbearer

          (Mr Stan Lincoln)


·       Honorary Judicial Recorder

          (His Honour Judge James Adkin)


·       Recorder

          (Mr Mac Williams JP)


·       Mayor's Chaplain

          (The Dean of Durham)


Consideration was given to the appointment of Officers as listed on the agenda for the meeting.


Resolved: That the following Officers be appointed:


·       Pant Master (currently vacant)

·       Billet Master (Superintendent C Clarke, Durham Constabulary)

·       Macebearer (Mr D Baker)

·       Swordbearer (Mr S Lincoln)

·       Honorary Judicial Recorder (His Honour Judge Adkin)

·       Recorder (Mr M Williams JP)

·       Mayor's Chaplain (The Dean of Durham)