Agenda item

Entry into Care Packs - Report of Practice Lead, Children and Young People's Services and Strategic Manager, Children in our Care


The Operations Manager, Children Looked After and Care Leavers delivered a presentation on the entry into care packs (for copy of presentation see file of minutes).


The Panel heard that the packs had been developed following a suggestion by the CiCC and Damon demonstrated one of the packs, which the young people have named ‘Supply Packs’.  The packs are age appropriate and are designed to provide young people with belongings which bring them comfort, particularly in emergency situations. The Operations Manager explained the ask of the Panel was for £7,600 to launch the pilot project to create 150 packs.  The Panel congratulated the young people for their work on the project.


During the discussion, Members agreed that they would like to help to launch the pilot as soon as possible and the finance could be raised through the Corporate Parenting Panel Members’ neighbourhood budgets, however, all Members as corporate parents, may wish to make a contribution.  It was noted that Members may have committed their budgets as it was the end of the financial year.  It was agreed that an approach would be made to all Members of the Council to request contributions to launch the pilot.  Councillors Walton and Sterling offered to contribute the full amount in the event that the finance could not be raised.


The Senior Partnerships Officer agreed to make enquiries with regard to future funding, should the pilot project be a success.

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