Agenda item

Children Looked After with a Disability Annual Update - Report of Head of Children's Social Care


The Panel received a report and presentation from the Strategic Manager, Families First and Children with Disabilities Team on the work of the Children with Disabilities Team (for copy of report and presentation see file of minutes). 


The Panel received a summary of progress made since the ILACS Ofsted Inspection in September 2019, including changes to the service for children and young people with disabilities and the remodelling of the service to create a 0-18 children’s service and transition arrangements for 14-25 year olds.  Members were provided with information on the support offered to ensure young people have a voice and can express their views directly or through digital technology such as the Mind of My Own apps. 


The Strategic Manager highlighted that the Children with Disabilities Team received the Gold Award for Investing in Children and the Panel viewed a video in which a Disabilities Team Social Worker expressed how much she enjoys her job and helping young people to develop communication skills. 




That the report be noted.


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