Agenda item

DM/23/00291/FPA - Land West Of West End Farm, Front Street, Ingleton, DL2 3HS

Installation of below ground pipeline and associated works


The Committee considered a report of the Senior Planning Officer regarding an application for the installation of a below ground pipeline and associated works on land west of West End Farm, Front Street, Ingleton (for copy see file of Minutes).


C Shields, Senior Planning Officer gave a detailed presentation of the application which included a site location plan, aerial photograph, site layout and photographs of the site.


The Chair informed the Committee there were no registered speakers for the item.


Councillor C Marshall informed the Committee that he considered this to be a straightforward application and moved that it be approved.  Seconded by Councillor C Hunt.


Upon a vote being taken it was



That the application be approved subject to the Conditions contained in the report.

Supporting documents: