Outline application with some matter reserved (Appearance, Landscape and Scale) for up to 20 Self-build residential dwellings (C3) with associated works.
The Principal Planning Officer, Leigh Dalby gave a detailed presentation on the report relating to the abovementioned planning application, a copy of which had been circulated (for copy see file of minutes). Members noted that the written report was supplemented by a visual presentation which included photographs of the site. The application was an outline application with some matters reserved (appearance, landscape and scale) for up to 20 self-build residential dwellings (C3) with associated works and was recommended for approval, subject to the conditions as set out in the report.
The Chair thanked the Principal Planning Officer and asked Kevin Ayton, Agent for the Applicant to speak in support of the application.
K Ayton noted that the proposals for 20 self-build plots represented the third and final phase of the larger site and noted there had been a number of enquires as regards the self-build plots. He added that the application would also help in terms of infrastructure and that phases one and two had demonstrated the principle of development and was supported by local plan policy. He explained that the proposals represented consolidation on three sides and was in keeping with phases one and two. He reiterated that the proposals were in line with policy, including in terms of amenity and habitat, and that the applicant had engaged with the Local Authority and that there were a number of benefits for Thornley from the development.
The Chair thanked K Ayton and asked the Committee for their comments and questions.
Councillor J Elmer noted he was very pleased with the proposal for self-build as that often meant a better quality of dwelling with better energy efficiency.
He noted that many of the issues relating to the development would be considered at the reserved matters stage and concurred with the landscape officer in terms of the mature hedgerow and proper safeguards. He noted that he was happy in terms of ecology being at the reserved matters stage, though felt that as self-build, while not wanting to constrain those choosing to build, he would hope for advice to be given in terms of improving the position in terms of wildlife such as minimising hard landscaping. He noted the condition relating to Policy 29 and energy efficiency and would hope for elements at reserved matters such as electric vehicle (EV) charging, solar panels and air source heat pumps. He noted that he was happy to move approval of the application.
Councillor L Brown asked as regards where the offsite affordable housing provision would be, and how close the development was to existing bungalow, as condition 12 referred to 0730 start and noted that 0800 may be preferable. The Principal Planning Officer noted that an 0800 start time did not seem unreasonable should Members wish, and noted the condition relating to the hedgerow, with landscaping to be at the reserved matters stage for each plot, as would any biodiversity net gain, though there were conditions relating to 40 trees to be planted and one bird and one bat box per dwelling. The Chair noted the issue of affordable housing, the Principal Planning Officer noted that there was not a defined location for the off-site provision, and whilst it was generally within the electoral division, there was not an earmarked site. Councillor L Brown noted she would second Councillor J Elmer, with the amended start time as noted.
Upon a vote being taken, it was:
That the application be APPROVED, subject to the Section 106 Legal Agreement, conditions as set out within the report and an amended condition in respect of 0800 start time for hours of operation.
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