Agenda item

Draft ICB County Durham Plan 2023/24


The Committee considered a report of the Joint Head of Integrated Strategic Commissioning, North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care which outlined the draft Integrated Care Board (ICB) County Durham Plan which was submitted on the 17 March 2023 (for copy see file of minutes).


H Bell, Provider Management Lead, North of England Commissioning Support Unit presented the report and informed Members that there was an opportunity to review the plan, refresh and seek assurance as part of a local engagement process before final publication of the ICB Joint Forward Plan on 30 June 2023. Members were asked to review the report and provide comment on the content and the proposed plan for engagement and assurance.


The Provider Management Lead advised that it was a draft plan and feedback from ICB colleagues had resulted in some minor changes. She advised that the draft plan followed the County Durham Care Partnership and Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy approach and was aligned to:


·      Starting Well

·      Living Well

·      Ageing Well

·      Cross Cutting Transformation


The Provider Management Lead explained that mental health would be considered as a separate area and would be included in the second iteration.


Councillor Quinn thanked the Provider Management Lead and

commented it was positive that all ages were included. She expressed concern however regarding oral health and stated that this subject should be included in the plan. The Provider Management Lead agreed that oral health was a concern and reassured Members that this would be included in the second iteration. 


Councillor Crute questioned how much flexibility was in the five year plan to adapt to changes and at what level could the plan be adapted.

M Laing, the Director of Integrated Community Services explained that money should follow the priorities and services follow thereafter and explained that consideration had also been given to a more varied career path across several organisations but stated this came with a cost.


Councillor Andrews commented on the excellent report but asked if it was achievable without working with education services. The Provider Management Lead advised that there was a great deal of cross working taking place between education, health and local authorities.

Councillor Howey praised the great work but asked if it was possible to add complementary therapies into the report. The Provider Management Lead stated that there was a specific action focussing on moving activity away from hospitals and believed there would be a review of services and would enquire if this would include complimentary therapies.


It was noted that the social prescribing role may involve complementary therapies in the future.


A Stobbart, Co-opted Member stated that she would like to see some areas strengthened such as the benefits of integrated services and the prevention work around mental health and tobacco including communication campaigns. The Provider Management Lead gave assurance that these areas would be strengthened in the next iteration. A Stobbart also felt that it needed to be made clear why certain areas of the report had required changes to be made.


Councillor Crute stressed that the recommendation from Members needed to emphasise the need for funding to be allocated to the correct services. Councillor Gunn concurred.




The Committee agreed:


      i.         That the draft plan be noted, and the following amendments/additions be included in subsequent submissions;

a.    Inclusion of oral health

b.    Inclusion of complimentary therapies

c.    Strengthen the benefits of integrated working and preventative work

d.    That the recommendation emphasises the need for funding to be allocated to the correct services.

     ii.         That the timescales for completion and local governance process be noted.

   iii.         That the final sign off by delegated authority of the Chair / Vice Chair through the Health and Wellbeing Board be agreed.



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