Agenda item

Refresh of the Work Programme for the Committee, 2012-14:

Report of the Assistant Chief Executive, presented by Diane Close, Overview and Scrutiny Officer, Assistant Chief Executive’s.


The Chair asked the Overview and Scrutiny Officer, Diane Close to speak as regards the Work Programme for the Committee for the period 2012-14 (for copy see file of minutes).


The Overview and Scrutiny Officer explained that the Work Programme report followed a similar format to that from the previous year and was aligned to the Altogether Wealthier theme. 

Members noted the identification of cross-cutting issues over several themes and that the report looked for a steer from the Committee as regards areas Members would wish to focus their efforts.


The Chair noted that the topic of Empty Homes had already been noted as an area for review and asked in Members had any further thought regarding the Work Programme.


Councillor B Arthur added that issues of ASB and safety at Aged Miners Homes, and East Durham Homes properties in Seaham were of concern to local residents.  Councillor J Armstrong noted that this was a cross-cutting issue with the Safer and Stronger Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


Councillor M Wilkes felt that the issue of the Adult Learning Strategy was vitally important as were all steps to encourage growth in the economy and supporting business.  Councillor M Wilkes added that the DCC website appeared to have no information relating to Business Support and that emails he had sent to the County Durham Development Company (CDDC) e-mail address were “bouncing back” as undeliverable.  The Principal Overview and Scrutiny Officer, Stephen Gwillym noted the point raised and Councillor J Armstrong noted that Members should be aware of the purdah period that would precede the elections next year and this should be taken into account when looking at being able to complete review timely.




(i)         That the Economy and Enterprise Overview and Scrutiny Committee   note the information contained in Appendix 2 to the report.


(ii)        That the Economy and Enterprise Overview and Scrutiny Committee refresh the Work Programme for 2012-14 by discussing and considering those actions identified, under “Altogether Wealthier” priority theme of the Council Plan 2012-16.


(iii)       That the Economy and Enterprise Overview and Scrutiny Committee at           it’s meeting on the 6 July 2012, receive a further report detailing the            Committee’s Work Programme for 2012-14.


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