Agenda item

Quarter Three 2022/23 Performance Management Report - Report of the Chief Executive Officer


The Committee considered the quarterly report of the Chief Executive Officer which detailed performance for quarter three of 2022/23, from October to December 2022 (for copy of report see file of minutes).


The Committee welcomed Gemma Wilkinson, Strategy Team Leader, to present the report and provide an overview of progress towards achieving the key outcomes of the Council’s corporate performance framework.


Referring to performance in respect of the economy, the Strategy Team Leader highlighted the continuing recovery of tourism, following the pandemic.  A number of successful cultural events had resulted in a combined economic impact of £850,000 and whilst theatre ticket sales increased by 14% in quarter three compared to the previous year, the number of people attending cultural venues had decreased since quarter two.  Seasonality was considered to be a contributing factor. 


In ters of the environment, it was reported that 6% less waste tonnage was collected compared to the previous year as an increasing number of people returned to their place of work, resulting in less waste entering the domestic waste stream.  The contamination rate was below the same period last year, however it had increased slightly on the previous quarter. Up-to-date information indicated an improvement and further details would be provided to the Committee in the forthcoming quarterly report. 


With regard to the environment, renewable electricity capacity increased across the county, with wind power being the largest contributor.  546 properties benefited from energy efficiency measures which was 31% less than the previous quarter, this was due to the Local Authority Delivery Scheme Phase 2 ending in September 2022. In terms of Selective Licensing, the Committee noted that work continues to increase the number of properties licensed within the scheme, which stood at 24% of properties and further information on enforcement will be provided in future reports.  The rate of anti-social behaviour in the designated selective licensing areas increased by 14%, compared with 16% countywide.


The Strategy Team Leader concluded by informing the Committee that  the performance report will be presented in a more visual format in the future, to align with the newly adopted Council Plan.


Councillor Peeke commented on the slow progress with regard to the number of properties licensed under the Selective Licensing scheme and she asked whether more work was required to improve performance. 


The Strategy Team Leader explained that a three-year area based delivery plan was in place to encourage and enforce landlords and work was being undertaken to gather census data in order to ensure knowledge on private landlords was up-to-date.


Members pointed out that when bin crews refuse to empty recycling bins which contain contaminated items, this may lead to recycled items being placed in the general refuse bin.  It was suggested that it may be better practice for crews to use powers of discretion in order to remove contaminated items rather than rejecting bins outright.  Councillor Adam expressed disappointed that the contamination rate had increased on the previous quarter, despite the countywide contamination campaign and he highlighted that the report stated that the second phase of the campaign involved rejecting and removing contaminated bins and he questioned whether the strategy would be counter-productive. 


The Strategy Team Leader explained that the contamination rate data was subject to a 3 month lag and, whilst the data being considered in the report was up to September 2022, the contamination campaign began in summer 2022.  Therefore, the improvement over a six-month period would be seen in the next quarterly report. The campaign had produced a You Tube video which the Strategy Team Leader undertook to circulate to Committee members, for information.


Members highlighted that other local authorities use Material Recycling Facilities to separate and process recyclable materials.


The Chair agreed to pass members’ comments to the Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Neighbourhoods and Climate Change and to share the response with the Committee. 


Councillor McLean complimented the refuse crews who had acted quickly and efficiently to deal with bin contamination issues which were reported in Horden.


Councillor Potts referred to the increase in the anti-social behaviour rate in the county of 16% and he pointed out that the true rate was likely to be higher as approximately 20% of calls 101 calls were abandoned due to the long waiting time for the call to be answered and he asked what action was being taken to address the issue.  It was suggested that the Strategy Team Leader should speak to colleagues and provide a response for circulation to the Committee.






That the report be noted.


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