Agenda item

Submission of Minerals and Waste Policies and Allocations Development Plan Document and Revised Statement of Community Involvement - Report of Corporate Director of Regeneration, Economy and Growth [Key Decision: REG/02/2023]


The Cabinet considered a report of the Corporate Director of Regeneration, Economy and Growth which advised Cabinet on the representations received following the final statutory consultation on the Publication Draft of the Minerals and Waste Policies and Allocations Development Plan Document (M&WDPD) and sought Cabinet’s approval to recommend that Council agree the Publication Draft of the Minerals and Waste Policies and Allocations Development Plan Document for Submission at its meeting on 21 June 2023.


The report also sought approval of a revised Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) which sets out how stakeholders are involved in local plan and neighbourhood plan preparation and the determination of planning applications (for copy of report see file of minutes).


Councillor E Scott, Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Economy and Partnerships extended her thanks to the Corporate Director and all her staff for bringing the vast, complex and detailed document to cabinet. The County Durham Plan was adopted in October 2020 and the Minerals Waste Policy and Development Plan document provided additional detail and clarity for new development to be acceptable. The Council had engaged with the public and stakeholders at every stage and made changes wherever possible. The document was sound, ready for detailed scrutiny and for examination in public. Councillor Scott also commented the importance of the way in which the Council consulted which has changed over the past two years. Consultation was now carried out using newer more modern techniques along with some of the more traditional approaches. It was important that the statement of community involvement reflected this.


Councillor J Rowlandson, Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Resources, Investment and Assets explained that the Minerals Waste Policy and Development Plan would provide for minerals extraction and waste management to provide the infrastructure and buildings the County needed. The Council always placed great emphasis on the importance of consultation and this was recognised in the changes made to the statement of community involvement.




That the recommendations detailed in the report be agreed.

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