Agenda item

Solar Energy Supplementary Planning Document - Report of Corporate Director of Regeneration, Economy and Growth


The Cabinet considered a report of the Corporate Director of Regeneration, Economy and Growth which sought Cabinet’s approval to commence consultation on the first draft of the Solar Energy Supplementary Planning Document. The document supported the County Durham Plan, adopted in October 2020 (for copy of report see file of minutes).


Councillor E Scott, Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Economy and Partnerships explained that the County Durham Plan was adopted in October 2020 and the Solar Energy Supplementary Planning Document supplemented the content of Plan. The plan supported the Council’s ambition to be net zero carbon by 2045, and responded directly to the climate emergency. It set out guidance to ensure that solar panels were sighted, designed and of a scale which would ensure that they did not harm the County Durham greenbelt, biodiversity, heritage assets and would protect the County’s best agricultural land.


Councillor J Rowlandson, Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Resources, Investment and Assets commented that the Solar Energy Supplementary Planning Document provided detail and clarity for acceptable solar development. It would help provide certainty for solar farm developers and reassurance for residents.


Councillor M Wilkes, Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Neighbourhoods and Climate Change commented that the Solar Energy Supplementary Planning Document ensured protection of important landscapes and community interests which was a difficult balance to achieve. The planning document provided guidance that high quality farmland should not be used for solar farms. It also suggested that where lower quality agricultural land was being used, that it continued to provide for grazing and ecological benefits, where possible. Councillor Wilkes explained that the Council were tied to nation policy framework, however, this document reminded developers of their obligations to our communities and to consider community benefit. Referring to a scheme in Scotland, Councillor Wilkes felt that the current planning system was floored and urged the government to place a legal obligation on renewable energy farms to provide significant financial community benefit, given the significant impacts such developments had on local communities.




That the recommendations contained in the report be agreed.

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