Agenda item

Parking and Accessibility Supplementary Planning Document - Report of Corporate Director of Regeneration, Economy and Growth


The Cabinet considered a report of the Corporate Director of Regeneration, Economy and Growth which sought Cabinet’s approval to commence consultation on the latest draft of the Parking and Accessibility Supplementary Planning Document. The document supported the County Durham Plan, adopted in October 2020. (for copy of report see file of minutes).


Councillor E Scott, Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Economy and Partnerships explained that the Parking and Accessibility Supplementary Planning Document set out guidance to ensure that new development balanced the needs of cyclists, motorists and pedestrains by requiring charge points for vehicles on all new houses. The Council recognised the importance of consultation and would seek views on the document to inform the final content.


Councillor J Rowlandson, Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Resources, Investment and Assets explained that the Parking and Accessibility Supplementary Planning Document would add detail and clarity for developers and reassurance for residents.


Councillor M Wilkes, Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Neighbourhoods and Climate Change commented that the Council, under the previous administration, had waited a long time for a robust parking policy for new housing, which never came. The work of the Joint Administration and Cabinet would clear up the concerns raised by communities over many years of estate roads being too narrow and pavements blocked with cars.


The proposed policy would fix long standing failures made by the previous administration and give guidance and instructions required. Councillor Wilkes thanked the Portfolio Holder and officers for their extensive work and for taking on the views of Cabinet. Parking policy would ensure that housing would be designed correctly from the beginning and would help restrict future garage conversion where alternative parking provision had not been identified. This would also ensure that the Council were not using its resources to fix parking problems. Councillor Wilkes urge residents to support the Council and engage within the consultation to help eradicate these problems once and for all.





That the recommendations detailed in the report be agreed.

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