Agenda item

National Picture


The Committee considered a report of the Head of Legal and Democratic Services and Monitoring Officer which informed Members of the national picture on standards issues affecting local government (for copy see file of Minutes).


The Committee discussed the investigation by West Northamptonshire Council in which a Councillor was found to have breached the code of conduct at a planning committee by forceful intervention and having a predetermined view.  The Chair had allowed the Councillor to act as substitute despite not being registered.  This was significant as the application had been denied on the chair’s casting vote and had the request to act as substitute been denied, the application would have been granted.


In response to a query from Councillor Atkinson, H Lynch, Head of Legal and Democratic Services advised that it was unusual that the Chair had felt able to allow the member to act as substitute. The County Council’s arrangements set out rules in relation to substitutes attendance at meetings and she would expect the Legal advisor or Committee Clerk to the meeting to advise on these as appropriate.


Resolved: A) that the report be noted and b) that Officers continued to monitor the progress of the matters referred to and keep the Committee updated.


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