Agenda item

Presentation from Emma Downing (Wingate Primary School) RE Deep Dive Experience


Emma Downing from Wingate Primary School was in attendance to deliver a presentation on her RE Deep Dive Experience.


The presentation provided details of who the Inspectors met and the lessons observed. She advised Members that she had a RE lead file that contained a copy of the policy including intent, implementation and impact; Durham Agreed Syllabus; School Medium Term planning including vocabulary and notes on COVID; Benchmark Assessments; CPD for herself and staff; Peer Review feedback and a Grab Sheet.


She continued that the Grab Sheet included key developments, training, brief overview of the Durham Agreed Syllabus and how they had adapted it to WPS, LTP, MTP, enquiry focus, reflection aspect, her role as Lead and steps for development.


The presentation also provided details of her meet as RE Lead with the Inspector and what she would do differently (for copy of presentation, see file of minutes).


Members thanked E Downing for her informative presentation and Members asked questions on the presentation in particular around worldviews.