Agenda item

Progress report on Children Looked After in the Virtual School: Update for Autumn and Spring Term - Report of the Virtual School Head


The Panel received a progress report on children looked after in the virtual school for the autumn and spring terms (for copy of report and presentation see file of minutes). 


Sarah Blenkinsopp, Virtual School Manager, presented the update which covered the period from September 2022 to April 2023.  The Panel received information on the profile of the cohort which stands at 726 children looked after of statutory school age, with slightly more in secondary education (53.5%) than in primary education (46.5%).  21% of the young people are supported by an EHCP (Education Health and Care Plan).  It was reported that Durham’s children looked after are performing better than the national average in terms of attendance. There is some evidence of Covid-19 related anxiety particularly in young people within years 9 to 11 and support is provided for these young people through their cares and within schools. 


One permanent exclusion had taken place since 2022 and the Panel heard that all alternatives to exclusion are explored. The casework team have been challenging schools to ensure the PEP (Personal Education Plan) sign off period is actioned within a ten day window and there has been recent improvement from the autumn term when only 79.9% were rated as green to 85.3% in spring, indicating the challenge had a positive impact. 


The Virtual School Manager also provided details of the key priorities for 2022-23 which include developing the work with foster carers, supporting children looked after with the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and working with the Full Circle to raise awareness in schools of the impact of trauma.


In response to a question from a Panel member as to the circumstances that had led to the exclusion, the officer explained that the decision to exclude the young person was taken in their best interests as it had not been possible for the pupil to return to the school.  The young person is currently being educated at the Pupil Referral Unit with support from the Virtual School.




That the report and presentation be noted.


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