Extension to Sniperley Park and Ride by 262 total bays accommodating 29 disabled bays, 18 electric charging bays and 4 motorhome bays.
The Senior Planning Officer, Chris Shields gave a detailed presentation on the report relating to the abovementioned planning application, a copy of which had been circulated (for copy see file of minutes). Members noted that the written report was supplemented by a visual presentation which included photographs of the site. The application was for an extension to the Sniperley Park and Ride by 262 total bays accommodating 29 disabled bays, 18 electric charging bays and 4 motorhome bays and was recommended for approval, subject to the conditions as set out in the report.
The Chair thanked the Senior Planning Officer and asked the Committee for their comments and questions.
Councillor J Elmer noted he was very supportive of the application and welcomed the inclusion of additional electric vehicle charging bays, in the move to such technology. He asked as regards any electric bus charging provision, whether it was included or would require a refit of technology. He also asked as regards provision for cyclists, how they could park and access the service in terms of cost and connectivity.
The transport and Infrastructure Manager, Craig MacLennan noted the safeguards for future electric vehicle charging, with the Council looking to seek opportunities for electric bus charging, noting the issues in terms of retrofit of equipment.
He noted there were cycle lockers on site, and payment for the ‘ride’ was made upon boarding the bus. In terms of connectivity, he explained the design was complemented the existing access through the site with a shared path and links to the wider cycle network.
Councillor J Elmer reiterated that he felt the proposals represented a very positive addition to the facility and moved approval. Councillor A Surtees noted it was very clear the proposals were required to help meet increasing demand and therefore seconded the motion for approval.
Councillor L Brown noted she would support the application, adding that the increased capacity would help alleviate traffic issues in her Electoral Division. The Chair noted he too supported the application, noting it would help to improve the poor air quality in the city centre, with his Electoral Division being one of those within the city. He noted that while there would always be traffic that needed to travel through the city centre, the potential reduction of 250 vehicles coming into the city by the proposals was welcomed.
Councillor A Bell noted the proposals were welcomed and commented that he felt there could have perhaps been more additional motorhome bays, say up to 12, as he felt this was an area of increasing demand explaining a nearby caravan site on the A690 always being full and that perhaps there could have been an opportunity in terms of additional and overnight parking.
Upon a vote being taken, it was:
That the application be APPROVED as per the conditions set out within the report.
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