Agenda item

DM/22/01017/FPA - Land to the Southeast of Canney Hill, Coundon Gate, DL14 8QN

14no. Affordable rent dwellings comprising 10no. wheelchair user bungalows and 4no. houses with associated landscaping and access.


The Senior Planning Officer, Gemma Heron gave a detailed presentation on the report relating to the abovementioned planning application, a copy of which had been circulated (for copy see file of minutes). 

Members noted that the written report was supplemented by a visual presentation which included photographs of the site.  The Senior Planning Officer advised that Members of the Committee had visited the site and were familiar with the location and setting.  The application was for 14no. Affordable rent dwellings comprising 10no. wheelchair user bungalows and 4no. houses with associated landscaping and access and was recommended for approval, subject to the conditions and legal agreement as set out in the report. 


The Chair thanked the Senior Planning Officer and asked Lauren Tinkler, representing the applicant, Canney Communities Community Interest Company (CIC), to speak in support of the application.


L Tinkler thanked the Chair and Committee and noted that the CIC had been set up in August 2019 led by likeminded people who wanted to enable disabled people and their carers to have properties designed to meet their needs.  She thanked the Council and Officers for their help and assistance, including the Head of Housing.  She noted that the CIC had been successful in obtaining two grants, one from Homes England in terms of consulting on development plans.  She noted a local consultation event that had enable views to be brought forward from older people, people with disabilities, young people, families with disabled children and disability groups, with all saying there was a need for this type of housing provision.  L Tinkler noted that professionals were instructed in terms of the plans as surveys required and explained that the proposals were the only community led project in the county developing accessible housing.  She noted there was already interest in 50 percent of the properties and noted that should approval be granted, the CIC would work in partnership with a local housing association.  She concluded by reiterating that the properties would be 100 percent affordable properties in perpetuity and asking that Members approve the application.


The Chair thanked L Tinkler and asked the Committee for their comments and questions.


Councillor A Savory noted that there would always be a need for bungalows, and those proposed to help meet the needs of disabled people was very much welcomed.  She moved approval as per the Officer’s report.  Councillor J Atkinson seconded approval.  Councillors M McKeon and V Andrews both noted their support for the application.


Councillor M Stead asked as regards the access to the site, if it could be shown on the projector screen.  The Senior Planning Officer brought up the requisite slide on screen and noted access was via an existing turning head within the cul-de-sac.



Upon a vote being taken, it was:




That the application be APPROVED as per the conditions and Section 106 Legal Agreement set out within the report.


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