Agenda item

Complaints Update


The Panel considered a report of the Head of Legal and Democratic Services which provided an update on complaints relating to the PCC or the Deputy PCC (for copy see file of Minutes). 


It was noted that the last report the Panel received in relation to complaints was at its meeting on 6 April 2023, with no further complaints received since that meeting.  The Head of Legal and Democratic Services reminded Members that they had considered a complaint at the meeting on 6 April 2023, the complaint had been concluded, with the Panel resolving not to publish the outcome.


She added that the last complaints report had referred to a complaint received on 6 March 2023 which appeared to be against the Constabulary.

rather than the PCC.  She explained that the Complainant was invited to complete a complaint form, setting out how their complaint related to the PCC.  The Head of Legal and Democratic Services noted that a complaint form was submitted, with the Complainant submitting a number of

follow up e-mails asking for the matters raised to be treated as a complaint.

It was explained that the underlying issues related to a police operational matter about which the Complainant had previously sought to complain to the Panel in June 2022, having been informed at that time that the Panel had no jurisdiction to consider complaints about police operational matters. 

The Head of Legal and Democratic Services explained that the Complainant remained dissatisfied and had sought to renew their complaint.  The Head of Legal and Democratic Services noted that she, as Clerk to the Panel in

consultation with the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Panel, made the decision to take no action in respect of the complaint on the ground that it was vexatious and following the Complainant being notified, the complaint was concluded accordingly.




That the report be noted.


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