The Panel considered a report of the Head of Legal and Democratic Services on the Durham Police and Crime Panel Annual Report 2022-23 and sought agreement to the Panel’s Work Programme for 2023-24, presented by the Principal Overview and Scrutiny Officer, Stephen Gwillym (for copy see file of minutes).
The Principal Overview and Scrutiny Officer noted that Appendix 2 set out the Annual Report, in line with Home Office guidelines, setting out the role of the PCC, PCP, membership of the Panel, and including the activity of the Panel across the meetings held. He added reference was also made to informal development sessions, training and engagement activity. He noted that the PCP set its own Work Programme, as noted within paragraphs 8-13 of the report, noting links to the PCC Annual Report and Police and Crime Plan, along with standard items such as performance and complaints. The Principal Overview and Scrutiny Officer explained that the Council’s Internal Audit Section had confirmed that the expenditure incurred by the Panel had been in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Home Office grant.
Members noted that Appendix 3 to the Annual Report gave further details in respect of future meetings of the Panel, with the Principal Overview and Scrutiny Officer noting that the issue raised in relation to performance updates and children missing from home would be added.
H Hallam noted he was a relatively new member of the Panel and noted, in terms of the election of Chair and Vice-Chair, he had felt somewhat disenfranchised as he had not been in discussion with other Panel members as regards the process and equally was not familiar with the new members to the Panel in the way Council Members were in terms of them being their Council colleagues. He noted issues in respect of agenda papers and noted that Members of the Panel had not contacted him outside of meetings.
The Chair noted she was sorry he felt that way. The Head of Legal and Democratic Services noted she too was sorry and would look to address issues going forward, including contact details to be circulated to all Panel Members, should all be agreed. As regards the nominations process for Chair and Vice-Chair, the Head of Legal and Democratic Services explained that was a political process and that would an issue for Independent Members to reach out to the politician Members.
Members noted issues relating to electronic and paper copies of agenda papers, noting different approaches depending upon Committee and Local Authority, with some Joint Committees such as the Crematorium Joint Committees.
Councillor D Nicholls thanked the Principal Overview and Scrutiny Officer and noted that, if possible, a site visit to the new Custody Suite would be useful. The Principal Overview and Scrutiny Officer noted that an update on the Investigative Hub was scheduled for the September meeting and arrangements could be made with the OPCC following the update at the meeting.
(a) That the Durham Police and Crime Panel Annual Report be endorsed.
(b) That the Work Programme for 2022/23 be agreed, with the inclusion of children missing from home and a visit to the Investigative Hub.
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