Agenda item

Refresh of the work programme 2023/24


The Committee received a report of the Corporate Director of Resources which provided the Economy and Enterprise Overview and Scrutiny Committee (E&E OSC) with an updated draft work programme for 2023/24 (for copy see file of Minutes).


D Close, Overview and Scrutiny Officer highlighted that the work programme had been informed by key documents including: the County Durham Vision; the Council Plan; Cabinet’s Notice of Key Decisions; performance and budgetary control data; various partnership plans and strategies and local priorities. She advised that para 13 and 14 looked back at the areas of focus for the committee during 2022/23 and included some areas from the previous work programme which had been carried forward for further consideration by members and noted that these were included in the draft work programme for consideration by Members.


The Overview and Scrutiny Officer went on to explain that to deliver the draft work programme, the Committee would need 5 scheduled meetings which run from September to April 2024, 3 workshops, 2 informal information sessions and 4 Joint special meetings with the Environment and Sustainable Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee and at least one further special meeting of the committee. She explained that this was due to the extensive nature of the draft work programme.


Going forward, the Overview and Scrutiny officer emphasised the need for the work programme to be flexible to accommodate any additional items which may arise throughout the life of the work programme. Once members agreed the work programme, she explained that the Chair and Vice-chair would consider which items go to the various meetings of the committee.


Finally, the Overview and Scrutiny Officer asked Members to receive and comment on the proposed draft work programme, agree the work programme and the flexibility that it offered to respond to emerging issues and to identify a topic for in-depth or light touch review should they wish to do so.


Councillor Manchester suggested that members receive detail of the Supported Housing Improvement Programme, explaining that whilst some providers do support residents, there is concern about the lack/level of support provided by others with some residents remaining isolated from services they needed.  Members need to be made aware of the Improvement Programme and how it will monitor providers in the county. The members agreed that this topic should be included in the work programme.


Councillor Batey commented that it would be helpful to have an update regarding the strategic development sites and gave the examples of the History Centre, DLI and Durham County Council Headquarters. The Chair agreed and stressed the importance of being kept up to date with the outcomes and the delivery timescales in relation to the major programmes. 


The Chair acknowledged that the work programme for 2023/24 was extensive but included important topics and he thanked the Committee for their support.


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