Agenda item

Motions on Notice

Councillor A Surtees to Move


This Council requests that ALL wards of County Durham are levelled up with the same investment and service delivery as Framwellgate and Newton Hall Ward.



Councillor C Martin to Move


Council notes that many people who experience long-term homelessness and transient housing may have multiple and complex needs, including mental health difficulties, family breakdown, trauma, past criminal offending, and substance dependency. Homelessness (in particular street homelessness) has serious adverse effects on mental and physical health.


Council supports the production of a revitalised homelessness strategy and believes that access to good quality housing is a human right.


Council believes that a key part of the strategy should include a 'Housing First' approach, so that those with multiple and complex needs are supported to prevent and relieve homelessness, in line with Housing Link's principles of Housing First. Providing this intense support to people with multiple and complex needs provides good value to the tax payer, as it is proven to be effective in reducing longer term demands on healthcare, policing, and other public services.


Therefore, Council would welcome a long-term commitment to commissioning of Housing First provision as the effective and efficient homelessness reduction strategy for multiple and complex needs in any new homelessness strategy brought for Council for approval.


Council requests that the portfolio holder and council officers, working with stakeholders, write to local MPs and the Secretary of State to support additional funding to deliver a joined-up policy of increasing Housing First provision across all councils in the UK.



Councillor S Deinali to Move


This Council condemns the Conservative Governments decisions since 2010 to cut capital spending on school improvements and its failure to adequately fund schools across County Durham.


The Council will write to the Secretary of State for Education outlining these views.



The Chair announced that all motions would be deferred to the meeting in October 2023.