Outline consent for Use Class C3 residential development of up to 18 units with access (with all other matters reserved).
The Committee considered a report of the Senior Planning Officer regarding outline consent for Use Class C3 residential development of up to 18 units with access (with all other matters reserved) (for copy see file of Minutes).
S Henderson, Senior Planning Officer provided a detailed presentation of the application which included a site location, aerial photographs, photographs of the site and proposed plans.
J Blackmore addressed the Committee in objection to the application. He confirmed that he was a local resident and, in his opinion, an extensive consultation regarding the application had not taken place with residents. He advised Members that the front of his property was currently overlooked and the proposed houses, particularly plots 13,14 and 15 would directly overlook the rear of his property due to the raised level of these houses. He referred to the photographs displayed by the Senior Planning Officer and stated that whilst the road was wide, the photographs did not show the heavy goods vehicles (HGVs) which were often parked on the road. He went on to highlight that drainage in the area was a problem and Northumbrian Water had been dealing with issues of backfilling for five years and additional houses would put further strain on drainage exacerbating the problem.
In response to comments from J Blackmore, the Senior Planning Officer apologised that the consultation had not been considered sufficient and clarified that it had been publicised by way of press, site notices and that letters had been sent to all neighbouring properties. He also noted that Mr Blackmore had been invited to the meeting and given the opportunity to make representations. The Planning Officer went on to advise that the application was for outline consent and gave assurance that minimum separation distances could be achieved on site.
Councillor Sterling asked if local members had raised any objections. She had great sympathy with residents but gave assurance that concerns of being overlooked would be considered in more detail at the planning stage. She commented that she drove past the site daily and had no objection to the application for outline consent and believed it would be a good addition to the village.
In respect of the Section 106 legal agreement to secure £28,620.00 towards open space and green infrastructure within the Electoral Division, Councillor Haney noted it was standard practice to allocate this money to the Electoral Division but asked if it was possible to allocate this to the parish instead. The Senior Planning Officer commented that open space contributions were being sought for the additional housing being created and whilst he was unsure of the precise policy, he stated that the money needed to benefit the future residents of the site. The Legal Officer advised that if there was not a suitable place within the parish to spend the contribution towards open space, then funds could be cascaded to the wider Electoral Division. Councillor Haney supported this.
Councillor Earley confirmed that concerns of overlooking were raised during the site visit, but he felt the fall of the land provided an opportunity to minimise the impact to residents and asked if it was possible for the build level to be reduced. L Dalby, Principal Planning Officer advised that the issue of overlooking was a reserved matter and if Members approved the application, this issue would be considered at the next stage of the planning process along with design and layout. The Senior Planning Officer went on to explain that the Residential Amenity Standards Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) provided guidance on separation and privacy explaining that for every metre difference in land level, a further meter of separation was required.
Further to the concerns expressed by J Blackmore regarding drainage, Councillor Blakey asked whether pressure could be put on Northumbrian Water. The Senior Planning Officer advised that Northumbrian Water would need to be involved at the next stage of the planning process and that minimum standards would need to be met before development could commence. Councillor Blakey confirmed that she was minded to approve the application for outline consent. This was seconded by Councillor Jopling.
In response to a question from Councillor Watson regarding the public consultation, the Senior Planning Officer advised that they had exceeded the statutory guidelines for consultations noting the team had issued press notices, site notices, in addition to 39 letters to residents.
Councillor Shaw disagreed that a good mix of housing was proposed, he considered the houses to be exclusive and pointed out that no bungalows were included in the proposal. In his opinion, the current need for housing was not being met in County Durham and he asked whether it was within Members gift to influence the types of properties at this stage or at the next stage of the planning process. In response to Councillor Shaw, the Principal Planning Officer advised whilst local need was important, the application put forward was solely to determine if the land was appropriate for residential use and confirmed the detail, including the types of houses, would be considered at the next stage of the planning process.
The Principal Planning Officer further advised that Condition 17 stated at least 10% of the total number of units approved will be constructed to a design and type which meet the needs of older people. Councillor Shaw felt 10% would not meet the demand going forward. The Principal Planning Officer explained that 10% was set out in Council Policy as a requirement.
The Chair confirmed that Councillor Blakey had moved the application for approval and this had been seconded by Councillor Jopling.
Upon a vote being taken it was:
That the application be APPROVED subject to a 106 legal agreement with the adjustment of £28,620.00 towards open space and green infrastructure be allocated to the Parish Council, cascading to the Electoral Division if necessary, and subject to the conditions listed in the report.
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