Agenda item

Review of Customer Access Point Service Offer - Report of Corporate Director of Resources (Key Decision: CORP/R/23/06)


The Cabinet considered a report of the Corporate Director of Resources which outlined proposals to consider adjustment to the face-to-face service offer in four of our least used Customer Access points (CAPs) considering reduced demand and in line with preserving channel choice.


The report set out the consultation and equalities impact assessment (EIA) on the proposals, which are linked to the achievement of savings targets included in MTFP(13) (for copy of report see file of minutes).


Councillor S McDonnell, Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Digital, Customer Services and Procurement explained that the demand and footfall analysis of CAPs highlighted that maintaining the status quo would not be value for money, nor the most efficient use of resources.


During the pandemic the Council were able to accelerate and expand its digital offer and people’s behaviours and access requirements. These habits were starting to change pre-pandemic had most definitely changed post pandemic. It was important that the service offer adapted and changed to suit the needs of residents and maximise the efficiency of the service.


Telephony remained the most popular form of contact but there had been an increase in the popularity and use of digital means to access services, however, as the report acknowledged there would always be a need for some face to face provision so that people were not excluded.


Implementing the proposals for the revised opening hours would allow the Council to deploy more resources into telephony, thus improving the service to thousands of residents. Savings would also be achieved through the deletion of vacancies and the progression of one ERVR case, which meant that no one would be at risk from the proposals.


Naturally, there would be some impacts and some people would not be happy with the revised opening hours, however, it was important to point out that face to face provision would still be available in the areas concerned and overall service standards would increase as the Council maximised its resources.


Councillor J Shuttleworth, Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Rural Communities and Highways was pleased to see that there had been engagement with local members on the proposals and that nearly 400 people responded to the consultation.


Councillor Shuttleworth highlighted that some of the original proposals had been amended to take on board the feedback received, noting that the Equality Impact Assessment attached to the report. Councillor Shuttleworth was satisfied that the potential impacts on older people and people with disabilities, who were more likely to access face to face provision, could be mitigated.


It was vitally important that the Council carefully communicated the revised opening hours so that users of the facilities were given ample forewarning of the changes and the days they would be available from October onwards.




That the recommendations in the report be approved.

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