Agenda item

Community Engagement Review - Report of Corporate Director of Neighbourhoods and Climate Change


The Cabinet considered a report of the Corporate Director of Neighbourhoods and Climate Change which provided Cabinet with an update on the findings from the countywide public consultation on ERS consultant’s proposals for the council’s community engagement function and to agree the recommendations for a revised function (for copy of report see file of minutes).


Councillor E Scott, Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Economy and Partnerships explained that the report represented an important step towards renewing and revitalising our community engagement processes, breathing new life and a fresh perspective into our arrangements. A substantial amount of work had been delivered, with a depth and breadth of analysis and consultation over the last year or so, involving many of our partners and stakeholders.


Area Action Partnerships had delivered many benefits over their lifetime, but they had also, in the main, remained unchanged and unchecked since their inception in 2009. There had not been a significant review or any major developments for some time and on that basis it was only right that Cabinet took the decision in March 2022 to commence a review to inform how we worked with communities going forward.


The report presented was the culmination of outcomes from two robust engagement and consultation activities with all those involved in Area Action Partnerships: an independent, extensive and inclusive countywide review; and an extensive and inclusive countywide consultation exercise.


The results from both confirmed that levels of satisfaction and support for the principles for AAPs remained high, but the diversity and effectiveness of community outreach and engagement had reduced over time. This was partly due to the burdens associated with grant funding processes.  Both activities confirmed that there was a clear appetite for change and provided positive ideas to help shape a new approach going forward.


Councillor Scott, thanked all partners and stakeholders who took part in the engagement and consultation activities for their dedication and valuable contributions, and to the AAP staff who throughout the period had continued to maintain the level of high service delivery as the Council had always been accustomed to.


The implementation of new Local Networks would ensure that community engagement mechanisms were fit for the future and would continue to meet the corporate needs of the council and key partners. This fresh approach to community engagement would ensure that the model was inclusive, responsive, innovative, collaborative and effective going forward.


Councillor C Hood, Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Adult and Health Services welcomed the report and outcomes of the long-needed review into Durham County Council’s community engagement function, namely Area Action Partnerships.


Based on the extensive consultation process, the council received valuable input and feedback from a diverse range of stakeholders. Councillor Hood thanked those who submitted survey responses that provided quantitative data, which had been analysed to identify common themes and represent a cross-section of the community's opinions and preferences. Councillor Hood also outlined the different types of consultation methods used, including multiple online interactive discussions that enabled participants to express their thoughts, concerns, and suggestions. These online consultations allowed us to reach a wider audience and provide an inclusive platform for those who may not have been able to attend physical meetings. Councillor Hood also explained that presentations were delivered as agenda items at various partner and key stakeholder meetings, ensuring that important decision-making forums gave participants to opportunity to provide their comments and perspectives on the matter at hand. The involvement of staff, elected members, AAP Board and Forum members, key partners and the communities demonstrated the Council’s commitment to transparency and accountability.


Councillor Hood highlighted and welcomed the proposed new governance arrangements, including terms of reference, as well as decision making and transparency which clearly defined the purpose, structure and functions of the “Local Networks" and that there will be "robust processes around recruitment and selection of Panel members to deliver improved assurance that Local Network Panels will be non-political."


Councillor Hood would look forward to seeing the Terms of Reference which would ultimately underpin the function of our community engagement and officer functions, as well as seeing proposals for increased transparency on funding applications.


Councillor C Hood thanked his colleague Councillor Elizabeth Scott, Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Economy and Partnerships for her work in this area which had been a significant challenge.


Councillor A Shield, Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Equality and Inclusion highlighted that the review of Community Engagement was long overdue given that the system had been in place for fourteen years, regardless of how well the current operation was perceived to be working a review of the operation effectiveness should be welcomed by all stakeholders and partners.


Councillor Shield felt that the introduction of local networks would build upon the current strengths of AAPs and provide forward thinking improvements of where we are going and where we have been and ultimately improve how the Council engages with communities as widely and effectively as possible in broadening our horizons whilst remaining diligently focussed on local aspects.




That the recommendations in the report be agreed.

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