Agenda item

Discharge of Transport Functions by Durham County Council 2022/23 - Report of Corporate Director of Regeneration, Economy and Growth


The Cabinet considered a report of the Corporate Director of Regeneration, Economy and Growth which provided an update on the transport activity carried out by the Council under delegation originally from the North East Combined Authority (NECA) which has continued under the North East Joint Transport Committee (for copy of report see file of minutes).


Councillor E Scott, Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Economy and Partnerships highlighted the problems that had beset bus services as a consequence of the coronavirus pandemic. The huge reductions in patronage due to lockdowns and changes in travel demands had placed great strain on the sector and meant that some bus services that were commercially viable now required financial support.


Councillor Scott explained that bus services were a lifeline to many residents in County Durham which was why the Council had devised a proposal to support bus companies to keep running essential connections by using the forecast savings from the ENCTS budget during 2023/24 to support bus services across the county. The position would be reviewed annually.


Durham had played a key role in ensuring the inclusion of many work streams in the aspirational Bus Service Improvement Plan for the region.  The region had received over £163m indicative funding. The funding amount was significant, being the largest indicative funding amount for any BSIP.  Whilst it did not cover the costs for full delivery of all of the North East BSIP proposals.  It would enable delivery of key workstreams such as better value fares and improvements to bus services within County Durham, which would provide significant benefits to residents and visitors to our county.


The report also provided a good overview of the broad and wide ranging work being delivered in fulfil the discharged the transport functions delegated by NECA.




That the report be noted.

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