Agenda item

Proud Moments - Verbal Update from the Strategic Manager, Children and Young People's Services


The Practice Lead for Children and Young People spoke of a young person who, during his time in care, was very well informed about entitlements and he was tenacious in his pursuit to have his views heard and acted upon.  His Young Person’s Adviser reassured the young person to have patience and trust in the processes. On leaving care, the young person sent a heartfelt ‘thank you’ card to the Young Person’s Adviser and Team Manager thanking them for the steadfast dedication and faith they had placed in him through challenging times.


The Service Improvement Manager spoke of how proud Durham had been of the delegation of young people from the Children in Care Council (CiCC) who attended the recent Association of Directors of Children’s Services (ADCS) conference in Manchester. The Service Improvement Manager spoke of how caring, respectful and helpful the young people were and how heart-warming it was to see the more experienced members of the group encouraging the younger members. The Panel praised the young people for being such excellent ambassadors for Durham.