The Strategic Manager for Looked After and Permanence presented the update on the Children Looked After Strategic Partnership (for copy of report see file of minutes).
The Panel noted that the multi-agency work includes representation from health, youth offending, education and housing and it aims to improve strategies to meet the needs of children in care and care leavers. The Strategic Manager provided an update as to the progress on priority areas and areas of focus including young people who go missing and placement stability. Sarah Neale, Co-opted Member and Designated Nurse for Children in Care explained a health perspective can help to understand and address the underlying issues relating to missing incidents and placement stability. A piece of work focused on the mental health of children looked after and care experienced young people will include a review of the range of services offered, including the offer for young people placed outside the county.
The Panel agreed to receive six-monthly progress updates in the future.
That the report be noted.
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