Agenda item

Refresh of the Adults Wellbeing and Health OSC Work Programme 2023/24


The Committee received a report of the Corporate Director of Resources which provided the Committee with a work programme for 2023/24.


AWHOSC review their work programme each year to reflect the objectives and associated outcomes and actions identified within the Council Plan and in the context of the County Durham Vision 2035.


The Principal Overview and Scrutiny Officer advised that the proposed work programme had been framed around the shared County Durham Vision 2035 and also reflected the ‘long and independent lives’ strategic ambition therein. The draft work programme also reflected NHS Partner strategies, priorities and actions that had been developed.


Overview and scrutiny work programmes are designed to be flexible to

accommodate items which may arise throughout the year. Flexibility

was particularly important as the work programme was extensive and

needed to accommodate issues that may arise during the term of the work programme.


Councillor Crute suggested dentistry be added to the work programme for 2023/24 and agreed that it was helpful for the work programme to build in a level of capacity to deal with any emerging issues.


Councillor Jopling agreed that dentistry was a good topic for the forthcoming work programme.




The Committee:


·      Received and commented on the proposed Adults Wellbeing and Health OSC work programme for 2023/24

·      Agreed the Adults Wellbeing and Health OSC work programme for 2023/2024 and the flexibility it offered to respond to emerging issues

·      Agreed the addition of dentistry to the work programme

Supporting documents: