Agenda item

DM/23/01204/FPA - Kynren, Flatts Farm, Toronto, Bishop Auckland, DL14 7SF

Erection of six aviaries (3 round and 3 longitudinal)


The Committee deliberated a report of the Senior Planning Officer which consisted of the erection of six aviaries (three round and three longitudinal) (for copy see file of minutes).  


The Senior Planning Officer, Gemma Heron gave a detailed presentation of the application which included a site location, photographs of the site and a site plan. 


Councillor Sam Zair commented that there had been no negative responses to the application from any consultees.  He welcomed the opportunity for the Kynren show to grow to become bigger and better as a worldwide destination.  He felt that this went hand in hand with the development within the Bishop Auckland Town Centre that had benefitted from huge investment. He supported and moved the application but was disappointed there had been no statement from the applicant.  Councillor G Richardson seconded the application.


Upon a vote being taken it was:




That the application be APPROVED subject to the conditions listed in the



Supporting documents: