Overview and Scrutiny Officer, Diane Close, presented the report of the Corporate Director of Resources on the refresh of the work programme and the updated draft work programme for 2023/24 which was attached to the report at appendix 2 (for copy of report see file of minutes).
The Overview and Scrutiny Officer explained that the programme had been informed by key strategic documents including the County Durham Vision and the Council Plan, and local priorities and partnership plans and strategies. The Committee noted that some areas of work had been carried over from the previous work programme for further consideration and that as the programme was extensive, additional meetings may be necessary. Members were asked to consider a topic for a light-touch review.
The Chair highlighted the busy work programme and requested that if members wished to suggest additional items for consideration, that they also suggest items that could be removed or considered differently. Members were also requested that, when the work programme was agreed and dates confirmed, they enter the dates in their diaries.
Councillor Crute spoke of his attendance at a recent workshop held for Economy and Enterprise Overview and Scrutiny members on the Inclusive Economic Strategy and he highlighted that the strategy was formed on five key areas known as the ‘five Ps’ i.e. People, Productivity, Places, Promotion and Planet which cross-cut the remit of the Environment and Sustainable Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee. He commented that it would, therefore, be appropriate for the Environment and Sustainable Communities Committee to have input. Stephen Gwillym, Principal Overview and Scrutiny Officer, clarified that the workshop had been held in advance of a Special meeting of the Economy and Enterprise Overview and Scrutiny Committee, to be held in October and that the invitation to the Special meeting will be extended to members of the Environment and Sustainable Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee. He added that feedback from the workshop and the meeting will inform the development of the Inclusive Economic Strategy delivery plan, which is expected to be presented to Cabinet later in the year.
Co-opted member, Mr Walton remarked on the lack of items relating to environmental health in the work programme and he agreed to email a list of items that he would like to see included in the programme to the Overview and Scrutiny Officer, for consideration.
Councillor Adam suggested that, as fuel poverty continued to be an issue affecting many households in the county, it should be considered at a formal meeting of the Committee, rather than via an informal information session and suggested a focused piece of work or a light touch review.
It was agreed that the Chair and Vice-Chair would discuss the suggestions from the members with Scrutiny Officers and identify how the additional areas could be included in the work programme.
a) Received and commented on the proposed draft work programme for 2023/24
b) Agreed the Environment and Sustainable Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee work programme for 2023/24 and the limited flexibility it offers to respond to emerging issues.
c) That the Chair and Vice-chair determine as to how the additional items raised by members are included in the 2023/24 work programme.
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