Agenda item

4/11/00993/FPA - Former Durham Johnston Annex, Redhills Lane, Durham

Erection of 14 no. dwellings along with associated access, roadways, parking and landscaping


Consideration was given to the report of the Principal Planning Officer (Durham Area) in relation to the above application, a copy of which had been circulated.


The Principal Planning Officer gave a detailed presentation which included photographs of the site. Members had visited the site that day and were familiar with the location and setting.


Councillor N Martin, local Member spoke in support of the application. He considered that this was an important development on land which had been identified as surplus to educational requirements, and the scheme would improve an unused site containing dilapidated buildings. The proposed dwellinghouses would be restricted to 2 storey with no accommodation proposed in the roof space. Concerns expressed about the impact on longer distance views were addressed in the report and he stressed the importance of retaining/improving hedging and trees to the east of the site.     


Councillor Martin also made reference to the proposed Section 106 Agreement. There was no formal play area in close proximity to the site and it was difficult to envisage where this facility could be located. He asked if local Members could be consulted on the allocation of Section 106 monies for the provision of amenity space/play space equipment. The views expressed by Councillor Martin were also endorsed by Councillor Holland, local Member.


Mr and Mrs Adams, local residents addressed the Committee against the application. Mr Adams stated that the land to the east of the buildings had been used for school sports on a number of occasions and he therefore did not consider it to be surplus to educational requirements. Mrs Adams asked what safeguards there were to ensure that the developers adhered to submitted plans in terms of design and layout, the landscaping scheme, the protection of trees and hedging, and any future works.


The Principal Planning Officer responded that the land to the east of the site was classed as previously developed land and had been identified as surplus to requirements by the Local Education Authority. The Council’s Planning Enforcement Section would ensure that planning conditions were adhered to, and conditions 6 and 7 in the report addressed the objectors’ concerns with regard to landscaping and tree/hedge works.


In discussing the application a Member referred to the low density of the site and the lack of affordable housing provision. In noting the Member’s concerns, the Officer advised that due to the character and setting of the proposed development in this residential area, density was not a consideration and the development of executive houses was deemed to be acceptable. The 14 no. dwellings proposed fell below the threshold informed by the SHMA in terms of affordable housing provision.


Members agreed with the views of the local Members and it was







(i)                 the application be approved subject to the conditions outlined in the report and to the applicant entering into a Section 106 agreement to secure the payment of a commuted sum for the provision or improvement of amenity space/play space equipment and for public art works;

(ii)               local Members be consulted on proposals for the allocation of the Section 106 monies for the provision of amenity space/play space equipment.



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