Agenda item

PL/5/2011/0494 - Land adjacent to Gore Hall Farm, Thornley

Outline application for residential development of 14 semi-detached/terraced dwellings


Consideration was given to the report of the Principal Planning Officer (Easington Area) in relation to the above application, a copy of which had been circulated.


The Principal Planning Officer gave a detailed presentation on the main issues outlined in the report which included photographs of the site. He explained that the applicant would make a financial contribution of £7000 for the provision or improvement of off-site play areas. Members were also advised of additional comments/queries made by residents regarding the following:-


·        Adequate open space should be provided with no serious adverse effect on the amenity of neighbouring residents or occupiers

·        The design and layout of the development should ensure good access. The existing road was dangerous in bad weather

·        Clarification of technical issues referred to by Highways

·        Fly-tipping

·        Anti-social behaviour


The Officer responded to the additional comments made. He advised that the comments about the provision of open space had been addressed in the report.  The only feasible access was at the western end of the site adjacent to the estate road. The existing access road could adequately serve the additional properties without exacerbating problems in bad weather, and had not been objected to by Highways Officers. The technical issues referred to by the Highways Officer related to footpaths on the site and this would be dealt with at the reserved matters stage when the access and layout was considered.


Any problems regarding anti-social behaviour and fly-tipping would be resolved by development of the land.


Members discussed the application and Councillor B Wilson, local Member asked if consideration had been given to the provision of affordable housing on the site, and if the financial contribution by way of a Section 106 agreement could be used for amenities other than play areas, as Thornley was already well-served with these facilities. He also expressed concern about construction vehicles on the estate road which was used by school traffic.


In response the Member was advised that the proposal for 14 houses was below the threshold informed by the SHMA and therefore affordable housing was not proposed on this site. The Legal Officer advised that there was specific criteria for the allocation of Section 106 contributions linked to the provision of play facilities in accordance with Policy 66 of the District of Easington Local Plan, however it was suggested that local Members be consulted on any proposals. The concerns expressed relating to construction traffic would be dealt with at the reserved matters stage when conditions restricting hours of operation could be considered.







(i)                 the application be approved subject to the completion of a Section 106  Agreement, and to the conditions outlined in the report;

(ii)               local Members be consulted on proposals for the allocation of the Section 106 monies.




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